A Beauty Chat with Belinda

We had a chat this week with our gorgeous beauty therapist Belinda on what she believes makes amazing beauty therapist, the skin care she can't live without and who are her beauty icons...

What do you think makes an amazing beauty therapist?

Someone who genuinely cares about making people feel amazing. I also believe some people have healing hands and are drawn to this industry. You can feel when a therapist loves what they do!

What is your favourite treatment on the menu and why?

I love nourishing clients in all of our treatments but my true love is makeup. I enjoy the transformation of making someone look glamorous.

What is your AM + PM skin care routine?

In the morning it's Synergie Skin's Reclaim, Vitamin A, Vitamin B and UberZinc and MineralWhip to double protect from the harmful rays. And in the evening it's Vitamin A and Reclaim once again.

Which skin care products can you simply not live without? 

Synergie Skin's Reclaim anti-ageing moisturiser. Best cream in the universe!

Who is your beauty / wellness icon?

That would have to be the beautiful screen sirens of the 40's and 50's, effortlessly glamorous!


We hope you loved this beauty chat, if you'd like to book your next treatment with Belinda you can specify this in our appointment system right here. Also, if you'd like to shop any of the skin care Bel mentioned in this chat you can shop the range here. 

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